Nothing else really changed with the fundamentals, other than the world is now being expected to only purchase what it can afford to pay for with cash. The oil price is back down, (even if utilities like Eon are still subsidising their EU customers from mugging UK punters).
The most obvious consequence of the global banking fraud is that people cannot still have what they want the moment they want it - thanks to the end of hitherto easy credit. This probably puts a 2-3 year hiatus in sales of cars; which is hard on the supply industries and countries like Japan, Germany and France (we're not weeping) that still own substantial car manufacturing industries. Countries producing the endless tat that we don't actually need will suffer; maybe the more industrious will be tempted to make their own birdtables instead of buying them at £50 from a garden centre. Maybe people will plant 10p seeds instead of buying £10 potted plants..?
Is this really so terrible as a way of life?
Few will weep for those luxury brands who sell goods for 10x the price of virtually equivalent quality merchandise from unknown sources.
For most of the world where currencies have not also been trashed by an persistently inept socialist government, nothing much has changed, other then a bunch of reckless criminal frauds and charlatans have been exposed in business and politics. And we have been given a nudge in the direction of finding replacement energy sources that are better under our control; which has probably done us all a bit of a favour in the long run.
There may be some reasons to be cheerful; none of which are in any way down to the skillful management Gordhelpus Brown and his worthless junta. So don't let the Auld Fraud in Chief take any credit for anything that might accidentally go right.
However, if you are a prudent British saver staring at 1% return on your dwindling cash (at best) you are entitled to be pissed off. And if you are a Lloyds shareholder, TMP hopes that you will support one of the group initiatives to put the old pals act of Broon and Blank in the dock, and make them pay for their cocktail party shortcut to poverty.
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